Ali Khajuee

Master of Design (2015) 
Product Design
Kobe Design University, Japan

Master of Arts (2010)
Industrial Design
University of Tehran, Iran

Bachelor of Arts (2007)
Industrial Design
University of Tehran, Iran

Creative Thinking
Idea Sketching
3D Visualization
Clay Modeling

Electric Cars
Gadgets and Tech

Persian (Native)
English (Fluent)
Japanese (Intermediate)
Work Experience
Automotive Interior Designer (2021-Present)
Mitsubishi Motors Co., Automotive Design, Nagoya

Automotive Exterior / Interior Designer (2015-2021)
Studio Sign (DAIHATSU), Automotive Design, Kobe

Car Design Internship (2014)
Honda Advanced Design Studio, Tokyo

Car Design Internship (2014)
Daihatsu Design Studio, Osaka

Designer (2011-2012)
Paygates e-commerce Group, Tehran

Designer (2010-2011)
Arena AD Agency, Tehran

Designer (2007-2009)
Zibaloon (Alooni International Group), Tehran

Award and Certificate

Award and Certificate (2013)
"The Ring" chosen as a winner in "Gensai Design Planning Competition" held by Disaster Reduction and Human Renovation Institution, Kobe, Japan.

Monbukagakusho(MEXT) Scholarship (2012)
Offered by Japanese Government to study and research in Japan about Design and Natural disasters.

Platinum Award (2009)
The 1st conceptualife competition by LG, Designing a kitchen for the future, LG, Dubai, UAE. (Team work)

Award and Certificate (2008)
The first national conference of innovations of the industrial design and natural disasters, “Living with earthquake”, University of Tehran.

Design Certificate (2008)
Certified by Nokia as a person trained in design process that covers: Cultural research, Trend analysis, Storyboards, Design languages, User interface design and 3D prototyping.

Silver Award (2007)
12th Scientific Olympiad for the university students, Industrial design.

First Prize (2007)
MA national admission exam for industrial design.

First Prize (2007)
The Best design in “the only planet” of NOKIA in Tehran. (Team work)

First Prize (2005)
“Creative thinking” competition, Art university. (Team work)
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